Friday, February 20, 2009

Economic Freedom Map

Arizona Council on Economic Education and the Frasier Institute sponsored the Economic Freedom Map in Tempe, Friday, February 20, 2009.

Frazier Powerpoint - Economic Freedom

Economic Freedom Map
Economic Freedom Map

Charting a Path to Prosperity

Workshop Highlights

* Learn what economic freedom is and how it relates to global prosperity, health, environmental quality, and civil liberties.
* Be among the first teachers in the United States to see the influence of Vancouver-based Fraser Institute's Economic Freedom of the World Annual Report, which measures economic freedom in an accurate, comprehensive, and objective manner.
* Use the Economic Freedom of the World Wall Map and six complete, innovative, and active-learning lessons to teach your students about economic freedom and its effects.

Participants Received

* A stunning 3'x2' full-color wall map, illustrating the economic freedom of 141 nations.
* A book of six complete lessons that use the map to teach about economic freedom and its consequences.
* Certificate for 7 hours professional development.
* PLUS Continental breakfast and lunch.

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